
Learning Stereotypes: A World Around Children

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A world around children As your kids are constantly eager and ready to find entertainment for themselves and their very short attention spans, parents should turn their kid’s attention to the new kids channel with the host Read-a-Roo and start a fun learning experience which involves all kinds of learning levels and is a very good eye catcher for the children with is characters and color codes. Learning styles and different ways to instill value in children. It is highly ignorant of us as people to not know all kids learn differently, as adults and parents it is our job to teach kids different ways to learn so they can benefit and adapt to different situations. As kids you learn the most around the ages 1-5, and given the things your child is surrounded by or exposed to what they will start to pick up. We know kids are like tanks of gas that never run low on energy, it is safe to say that our kids need a type of safe entertainment, so, regarding that put something educational on that can also grasp the children’s minds educationally. Parents you should watch the shows you let your children watch when you have the time. Talk to …show more content…

Parents are typically busy doing what they need to do to provide and take care of their families, rather they're at their jobs or just not around at the moment, this learning program helps the parents because if they're having such a busy day they can come home and turn the learn channel on and let your kids be taught valuable lessons and that benefit them. “The effects on children of the increase in single parents is no longer much debated. They do less well in school, are less likely to graduate, and are more likely to be involved in crime, teen pregnancy, and other behaviors that make it harder to succeed in life. Not every child raised by a single parent will suffer from the experience, but, on average, a lone parent has fewer resources—both time and money—with which to raise a

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