
Legalization Of Cannabis Analysis

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In legalizing cannabis, the American people will be given the best option for treatment to improve their physical and mental health. The use of cannabis as an herbal medicine, goes back to 2700 BC, when the Chinese Emperor, Shen Nung, first discovered it along with ginseng and ephedra which treated diseases across civilizations (“History of Marijuana as Medicine”). Despite having mainstream medicines to treat diseases and chronic pain, Americans across the U.S. still suffer and are often crippled by their affliction. It makes sense to legalize cannabis because it is the most natural, least harmful, and least addictive drug for therapeutic treatment. Grinspoon and Bakalar have claimed that “the simplest way to enable patients to use cannabis …show more content…

Most people are physically conditioned with using opioids that it is becoming an ineffective treatment, thus causing misuse, taking higher doses than the prescribed quantity (Tina Rosenberg). Consequently, opioid abuse is killing thousands from an overdose. In 2015, opioids had killed “33,000 people” (Douglas Berman), whereas no overdose of cannabis has been reported (Igor Grant). Further, opioids ability to cause physical dependence and withdrawals surpass those of cannabis (Grant). In the latest national survey by Pew Research Center assembled those who supported legalizing marijuana and those who were opposed. In that survey, those that opposed, thirty percent concluded that cannabis was dangerous, addictive, and lead too many people to more drugs; when in fact, scientific evidence concludes that states with legalized medical marijuana witness fewer opiate deaths and use (Berman). This is because cannabis has the capabilities to lessen the necessity for high doses of opioids, thus causing opioids dependence and addiction to be limited (Carey Clark). The reason cannabis is such an effective treatment is due to its ability to connect with the body’s sensory system (Mark Torres). This connection allows cannabis to create obstructs of inflammation and prevent disease (Torres). Therefore, only a few drugs can compete with cannabis’ effectiveness which comes with hardly any side effects (Torres). During a research for the documentary “Weed”, the Figi family treated their five-year-old daughter with medical marijuana for Dravet’s Syndrome, which caused “seizures and severe developmental delays” (Welsh and Loria). The use of cannabis had “decreased her seizures from 300 a week to just one every seven days. Forty other children in the state are using the same strain of marijuana to treat their seizures and it seems to be working”

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