
Legalization Of Cannabis

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On Tuesday, June 27, the City of Blythe held a commercial cannabis forum to give direction to the city manager on how they wish to proceed with cannabis developers opening up dispensaries in Blythe, while also providing extensive feedback for staff to make the final re-adjustments to the permit application procedures and forms. As an economic development for the City of Blythe to gain revenue by regulating and taxing medical and recreational marijuana, the permit process is still scheduled to launch in 21 days.
City Manager Peter Cosentini and City Clerk Mallory Crecelius are the administrators of the business permit process, granting two development firms commercial cannabis permits. Approved a month before …show more content…

“Dispensaries, cultivators, testing, manufacturing, distributors and transporters,” two of which the ordinance currently denies. Envisioning the favorable gain marijuana could potentially bring to the city, council member Eric Egan said, “I see it as retail, where people are able to walk up get what they want and be on their merry way.” However, he said he can’t see that happening in East Blythe. Hoping to have one dispensary in East Blythe and one in West Blythe, when it came to manufacturing possibly being done in East Blythe, Vice Mayor Tim Wade said, “You don’t want it in East Blythe next to any businesses. In doing research, I’ve found manufacturing facilities to be volatile, they’re almost as bad as a meth lab.” With the intention of cultivating both medical and recreational marijuana, Ordinance 883-17 specifies that a cultivator cannot be on Ag ground. Don Wiley, the owner of a nursery in town and also the first to make public comment at the meeting, thought it was best to remind city officials of the economic state Blythe is in, while they sought to make changes. “Maybe some of you haven’t noticed, but Blythe is in an economic depression right now,” Wiley

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