
Legalization Of Marijuana Tourism In The United States

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Running head: Marijuana Tourism

Marijuana Tourism
Cheyenne Walcott
Monroe College Marijuana Tourism
The legalization of marijuana has been a contentious topic in the US for a long. There are different views concerning the effects of legalizing marijuana, with the common consensus that legalization of marijuana will have significant consequences in the world and everyday lives (Chepesiuk 99). Currently, the US drug policy forces stern measures regarding the consumption and possession of marijuana. In the light of this view, it is important to evaluate the dangers and beneficial effects associated with the legalization of marijuana. Overall, the practical effects of legalizing marijuana would be beneficial to the world for many different …show more content…

“Due to representation amendment 64 in 2012 adults aged 21 or older can grow up to six cannabis plants in a privately locked space, legally possess all cannabis from the plants they grow, legally possess up to one ounce of cannabis while traveling, and give as a gift up to one ounce to other citizens 21 years of age or older”( “Intake is allowed in a style similar to alcohol, with equal offenses prohibited for driving. Intake in public remains illegal”( Also amendment 64 also provides for” licensing of farming facilities, product manufacturing facilities, testing facilities, and retail stores” ( Visitors and tourists in Colorado can use and purchase marijuana, but cannot take it out of the state. “When Colorado decided to make recreation cannabis legal everyone was watching them to see what would happen, and most people through there would be chaos an increase in crime, car accidents, teenage use of marijuana and a decrease in tourism”(Legality of Marijuana in the United States in 2015). Everyone thought that this decision would negatively impact Colorado on a few different bases. The first was marijuana’s “addictive nature”, ‘although pot is not as addictive as other drugs like cocaine or heroin. Treatment specialists have seen that the use of pot over a long period of time can cause addiction”(Legality of …show more content…

“Since legalization, more people have been visiting Colorado than ever before”(Legality of Marijuana in the United States in 2015). The travel site reported “that flight searches for Denver surged around the time that recreational sales began in January”. Denver International Airport “saw record numbers of incoming passengers in January and in April, a month that included the first 4/20 holiday since pot stores opened”. Although it's not clear how much marijuana has to do with Colorado's increased popularity as a tourist destination, “dispensaries regularly see tourists who are drawn by the novelty of buying pot from friendly and knowledgeable salespeople in clean, well-lit stores ”(Legality of Marijuana in the United States in 2015) instead of getting it off the street on the down low from some dude you barely know. "We've had people book vacations that have never been to Colorado before, and the single reason is because of the freedom that we have here," says Kent McBride, a Denver-area limo driver. Others are "coming back specifically because they can buy cannabis” ”(Legality of Marijuana in the United States in 2015). Tourist say, 'I can't believe I can walk around with up to an ounce of pot and not have to worry about getting busted” ”(Legality of Marijuana in the United States in 2015). "At least once every two weeks there is a bus from Kansas of tourists who come in for the weekend,"

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