
Leibniz Ontology

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Ontology: On the Existence of God “Does God exist?”, a question that mankind has been asking itself for thousands of years. Even the brightest minds the world has ever known have struggled with this topic. Thousands of papers, essays, and full fledged books have been written offering arguments and reasons both for and against the existence of a divine creator. One of the more popular arguments against his existence claims that an all-powerful, loving God would not allow evil to be in the world. The reasoning being that if God truly is all-powerful and loving, then he would only choose the best in making the world. On the surface this seems like a reasonably strong argument, but there are some gray areas which leave room for interpretation. …show more content…

In it, he dissects the argument against God as all powerful and loving. The initial objection states that “whoever does not choose the best is lacking in power, or in knowledge, or in goodness.” (Leibniz) After reading this, most people would agree that God did not choose the best in creating the world, therefore, he is not omnipotent, omniscient or completely good. Leibniz argued that while, yes, God could have created the world without evil, the presence of evil can be justified so long as that “evil is accompanied by a greater good”. For some clarification he has provided an example of a general and his army. A general would prefer to have a great victory even if it incurred a small injury, rather than walk away from the battlefield unscathed but without victory. The greater good both makes up for, and in a way requires, …show more content…

Since we do not live in a world free of suffering then God must not be omnipotent, omniscient or loving. Now if God created man, and man is born into sin, then God's creation is flawed and he is therefore imperfect, correct? Not necessarily. As we discussed earlier in the paper, suffering is necessary for spiritual and moral growth. The Christian belief dictates that God created man to worship him, and yet man would have no reason to worship and bow down to a higher power if he did not need deliverance from his sins. God's grace and forgiveness is what drives us to

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