
Letter From Birmingham Jail Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

The source that I found most helpful for this project is “The Letter from Birmingham Jail.” I think it is the best source because it is a primary source. Also because it explains what it was like to be a civil rights activist. Lastly, the message that MLK was writing was very detailed and easy to visualize. Everything in this passage was true and from an activist perspective. The second most helpful source that I have found Is the Photographs. This source was very so helpful for many different reasons. One of those reasons is because the images helped understand how bad segregation actually was. I could understand that by breaking down what I could see in the pictures and breaking it down. Another thing that the photographs helped me understand how big of a role the kids actually …show more content…

The whole presentation was not a primary source but there were many primary sources included in it. These sources were very helpful because it helped understand what it was like to be an activist during the civil rights movement. This presentation also tries to demonstrate the action that was taken by children during the civil rights movement.

The last source that helped me during this presentation is “ 1963 Birmingham Civil Rights Campaign Barbara Sylvia Shores.” This source helped me by showing what civil rights activist went through and the violence that was struck upon them. It also helped because it was a primary source. Primary sources are important because it is coming first hand from an African American. This source was very detailed and easy to visualize what it was like to be her. It also explains the police brutality. The police blocked the roads to her house so she could be

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