
Examples Of Response To Letter From Birmingham Jail

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Letter from Birmingham Response
The Letter from Birmingham jail was written on April 16th, 1963 by Martin Luther King jr. Martin was a prominent leader and protester in the fight against racism. King was put in jail for protesting in the streets without a permit and that is where he read the letter. The letter was written as response to the Letter from the Eight Clergymen. Their letter called for the end of the peaceful protests which were lead by King and his supporters. During the time the letter was being written racism was at an all time high and even laws such as desegregating schools were being ignored. King knew he had to put a stop to the hate and violence and bring about a better tomorrow for the oppressed. Therefore the letter was not only to stop hate from being spread by a biased letter but also to bring hope to people who did not know if they would ever be seen as equals.
In the Letter from Birmingham Jail, the author starts out by establishing his credibility as an advocate for the cause that is being discussed. He then goes on to directly argue the point made in the Letter from the Eight Clergymen calling him an outsider by saying he was asked to be here by the people of Birmingham. Furthermore he continues to give examples as to why they must protest instead of rely on negotiations to bring about equality. “The purpose of direct action is to create a situation so crisis-packed that it will inevitably open the door to negotiation”(2). Throughout the letter he

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