
Letter Of Recommendation For Electrical Engineering

Decent Essays

Letter of Recommendation

I found this Letter of Intent an opportunity to express my zeal towards the area of study- Electrical engineering with Alternative Energy as a specialization. So far, Electrical engineering has been an integral part of my academic life and my goals are crystal clear of translating my prior knowledge and experience into real world system developments.
For the very first time when I saw gigantic windmills, I had a lot of questions on my mind. This was the time when I was a school student and didn’t have any prerequisite knowledge. Someone told me to that Windmill Systems are developed by Electrical Engineers. Another minor event impacted my career goals when frequent electricity outages at our home enforced us to buy …show more content…

I remember myself as a bright student throughout my schooling. I was well versed in both academic and extracurricular, especially in sports. My engineering was a bit of a different story. Over the four years of engineering, I learned subjects related to Power Systems, Electronics, Analog and Electronic Instrumentation, Microcontroller and Microprocessor, Control Systems, Electrical Machines. Etc. Laboratory sessions of these subjects helped me to accumulate consciousness of practical usage of electrical engineering. It gave me the opportunity to correlate theory to practical phenomena. This, in turn, gave me a better understanding of the subject and newer lines of thinking. The course in Electrical Engineering covered a wide panorama of subjects. I learned to program in C and MATLAB which were extremely helpful in my practical works. My ideas and knowledge of electrical engineering were first tested in the third year of engineering in the power electronics based project of ‘Pulse triggering circuit for triggering of SCR’. Besides that, I was always exposed to co-curricular activities like vocational training at transmission

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