
Letter To Birmingham Jail Rhetorical Analysis

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Martin Luther King Jr., the author of “Letter to Birmingham Jail,” that was written in 1963, uses many rhetorical strategies throughout his letter;. Additionallyconsequently, he uses these strategies to get his points across. For example,The rhetorical devices he employsuses are repetition, he uses ethos, and he uses rhetorical questions. During the time he gave his speech, was during the time of the Civil Rights Movement. Furthermore, segregation was happening, and racial discrimination between blacks and whites is commonplace.were not treated equally. King uses d rhetorical strategies in order to emphasize what he was most passionate about; he was his passionate about - equality and nonviolent protestings, for he was a black himself. He usesd his letter in order to bring about make a change. Therefore, he needed to really get the listeners’ attention. First of all, Martin Luther King Jr. usesd a rhetorical strategy of repetition. King is known for his use of repetition, reference his “I Hhave a Dream” speech. Furthermore, r Repetition is used to get his your point across, and to make the reader remember it. In the letter heit states, “Was not Jesus an extremist for love,” and “Was not Amos an extremist for justice,” and again it says, “Was not Paul an extremist for the Christian Gospel.” King uses the “was not” and “an extremist” to apply effect on the situation. He wants to apply the emphasis on how these key figures in history were extremist, just like him. Again in this letter, Martin Luther King Jr.’s uses reptition in his quote again, King sayings, “let him march,” “let him make prayer pilgrimages to the city hall,” “let him go on freedom rides.” Martin Luther King Jr. uses the words “let him” to intensify the fact that the people should just let the Negro protest. Martin Luther King Jr. says to just let the Negro be, King statesquotes, “if his repressed emotions are not released in nonviolent ways, they will seek expression through violence.” Therefore,So Martin Luther King Jr. wants to make sure he informs the people, to either let them protest peacefully or there will be violence. Since King, is a very sophisticated writer, he uses utilizes a lot of ethos to support his statements. For

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