
Levels of Health Promotions in Nursing Practice

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Levels of Health Promotions in Nursing Practice
Patricia Hartman
Grand Canyon University Family Centered Health Promotions NRS429V
July 15, 2012

Levels of Health Promotions in Nursing Practice
Dimensions of the environment are not only physical but also psychosocial and spiritual care and involvement. Health promotions are identified as participation of individuals and family with care delivery. The community health profession teaches to improve environmental health, physical health, social health, emotional health, intellectual health, and spiritual health. The goal is to improve and maintain healthy habits through education and counseling, for individuals to take …show more content…

Comparison of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary levels of Health Promotion Prevention
Elder abuse and community nurse: supporting the patient Primary role of the community nurse is the assessment of the person’s home is pivotal. Review of family members, care giving impact, family dynamics and historical family information is vital to make a complete assessment. Secondary role is the identification of early mistreatment or abuse of the older person and reporting it to the appropriate agencies. Tertiary role is ongoing translations and interventions. Community nurse monitors home situations and provide ongoing support to the family, specifically the older person. The role of the nurse in advocacy for the older person is continued and lobby for additional services.
Integrated care to manage cancer pain Identification of pain has been the most feared and common symptom of cancer (Sloan, et al. 1999). The joint project that includes primary, secondary and tertiary levels of care were successful in breaking down the barriers that crossed traditional boundaries in cancer care. Steering committee member were identified and meetings took place between multi-professional teams and project coordinators to identify their issues and concerns and communication, discharge, pain management and symptom control were identified. Multidisciplinary groups worked were

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