
Lies My Teacher Told Me Analysis

Decent Essays

Where Is The Truth?
——A report about the Lies My Teacher Told Me
I do not know if there is any other field of knowledge which suffers so badly as history from the sheer blind repetitions that occur year after year, and from book to book. --Herbert Butterfield1
When it comes to American history , the credibility of our textbooks has been a problem recent years, especially those in high school. And what we are taught in class seem to be far away from our real life. Facing such an irrelevant and boring subject, most high school students have no choice but to suffer the course and struggle for it. The book Lies My Teacher Told Me may account for this phenomenon to some extent.
As the professor James W Loewer, author of the book, referred that Americans have lost touch with their history. Our teachers and textbooks play important roles in our history study. However, it is their eliding and misrepresenting factoids that have been obstacles in our history studying. Because access to too much errors and distortion, many Americans can hardly understand the past of the country. As a result, we lack the ability to reflect on what’s going on right now and in the future. …show more content…

Not to mention the harm it brought to the local people. According the chapter nine See no evil:Choosing Not to Look at the War in Vietnam,the United States dropped three times as many tons of explosives in Vietnam as it dropped in all theaters of World War II including Hiroshima and Nagasaki3.
Believe that everyone is familiar with the phrase "all men are created equal and independent", and "life, and liberty and the pursuit of happiness" of rights. It comes from a great political document--the Declaration of independence. But the pioneers, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, who signed the great Declaration, had slaves too. By the time he draft the above, Jefferson has 175

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