
Life Changing Experience In My Life

Decent Essays

Treat others how you would like to be treated. We’ve all heard the saying and we all know that it’s simply something we should all believe in. It’s burned into our brains from a young age. But most of never have put that action or thought about doing it. I know that I never did. Until April 7, 2017 the day before I had made an awful decision that landed me a trip to the principals brand new, freshly painted, horrific room. As I walked into that room I was fearful, unsure of what was gonna happen to me knowing what I had done was awful. The principal and I discussed what I had done and After talking about it she had me think about the golden rule. She made me tell her the Golden rule but not only that. She made me think and talk about it until I fully believed that the golden rule is something we should all follow for every second of our lives.

Before this life changing experience had happened my eyes had been sealed shut and I was astonished when the new thought of it crossed into my mind allowing me to understand it. I had heard the golden rule at least one hundred times, however I had never realized how life altering this could be. I never thought about all of the positive effects it could make in my everyday life. In the past I had just shrugged it off just listening when people told me this but once they were done talking I would forget it all as if I didn’t care what they said. However because of the mistake I made on April 5, 2016 I now feel that the golden rule is

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