
Life Is The Meaning Of Life

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After all years that we will experience, we will say “Oh my life, such a life.” To our grandchildren, friends, daughters or sons. Or we will look our photo album with our husbands and we will say “Oh such a life, how it passed such fast.” According to dictionary, “the life is the quality; which people, animals, and plants have when they are not dead and which objects and substances do not have,” with its basic meaning. Actually, the life isn’t being dead. Isn’t the life means memories in all those sentences that I wrote above. Life means all things that you have done, seen, written, or read; all places that you have gone, visited; all people that you have known and loved; all things that you can remember after years. I mean all photos belong to your life since you have the chance to go back to those days in your mind, when you look at the photos. …show more content…

Maybe you did your shopping from Tesco, maybe you ate your all meal from Mc Donald’s. These are very basic things for every people but the important things are the sentences that you will say after you will have experienced all those things. You will say, “I love Paris.” but why? Why do you love Paris? The answer is: You love Paris because you went there with your love, you visited all tourist spots with him, you took photos and stuck them onto your wall when you were young. You don’t love the Paris’ place on the map. You love the memories. So we love people, places and items due to memories but sometimes we can hate, irritate or dislike. Reverse the sentence to “I hate Paris.” Again you don’t hate Paris’ place in the map, you hate memories which ones you experienced in Paris. Maybe your love betrayed you in there or maybe an accident took him from you in

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