
Lisa Benton (a) Essay

Satisfactory Essays

What ist the key problem in this case?
The key problem in the Lisa Benton case is that Lisa isn’t accepted by her team. She feels like that she is not getting enough responsibility und she doesn’t have a good feeling about her future in this company. She got to much problems with her collegues who doesn’t like her because of her MBA.
Lisas problm is that she does not contribute enough. She is to “shy” and passiv acoording to the text she try to act like a learner. But she have to stand up for herself und share her thoughts with the others so they can see she try everything to get involved. She really needs to contribute! It all comes down to teams, teamwork, individual and group decissions.

How is the Problem adressed?
The Problem …show more content…

That is how they can become a team (Book p. 307)

Do you agree with what was done regarding the problem? Why or why not?
I don’t agree with what was done regarding the problem. They have to work together as a team and seperate Bentons from Scovilles responsibillity is not making the situation better. Linton is responsible to create a effective work team. The first thing is that the team needs team viability so that everyone is satisfied and willing to contribute. (Book p.309) But Linton make the typical management mistakes that were listet in the book: hostile enviroment for the team, no longterm commitment, since the teams do not work together the lessons were not trandferred to others, Inadequat team skill training (Lisa gets almost no training) and a lack of trust. (Book p. 314, Figure 11-2). Linto is a directive decision maker. She wants to have everything under control anf focus on facts.
Linton should focus on on developing a team or they will all failshe also have to look at Scovilles behavior. He can not act like he is god and everthing he do is right.Lisa should try to to contribute more and get from a passiv learning part to an active working part. That is what she was hired for.

If you were in charge what would you have done diffrently?
If i were in charge i would try to get Lisa a more realistic expectations cause from the the recruting program she get so unrealistic expectations that it was clear she will be frustrated.
I aslo would be more

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