
List And Describe The Two Different Elements Of Culture

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Review Questions
1. What are two ways that culture is developed in a society? One way that culture is developed in a society is through innovation. Innovation happens when someone invents, discovers, or combines something that could have an affect on a culture. Another way culture is developed is through diffusion. Diffusion is the process in which a piece of culture is transferred form on society to another.

2. List and define two different elements of culture. Two different elements of culture are language and norms. Language is a central element of a culture and shaped how we interpret and shape our society. Norms are the guidelines that shape our behavior. Norms are widely shares and help keep our society operating soothly.

3. What …show more content…

Describe the two different types of culture. Provide an example of each. Two different types of cultures are material and non material. Material culture consists of physical objects like clothes or buildings. Non-material culture consists of non physical objects such as language, beliefs, and ideas.

Critical Thinking Questions
1. Compare and contrast formal and informal norms. Provide an example of each. Formal norms are written down and normally have a formal punishment for breaking them. Laws, such as drunk driving, are considered formal laws. Informal norms are normally understood and can result in teasing or someone becoming angry if broken. For example, moving to a certain side of the stairs when someone else is using them is considered an informal norm. If you were walking down the in the middle of the stairs, someone might get mad if you do not move.

2. Describe one norm that you encounter in your own life and discuss what sanctions may be used for obedience or violations of this norm. One norm I encounter in my own life is the use of no electronics at the dinner table. One sanction that is used for disobedience is getting that electronic either taken away until the end of dinner, or for the rest of the

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