
Literary Analysis Essay On The Catcher In The Rye

Decent Essays

In the controversial novel, The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger expresses his opinion on social problems. The protagonist, Holden Caulfield, is a troubled teen; he seeks help throughout the novel. Holden has been in and out of schools and can not seem to fit in. Holden has depression and turns to alcohol for all his problems due to the lack of love in his life. No one understood what he was going through which caused him to almost kill himself. J.D. Salinger uses Holden to protest society’s problems. Salinger uses Holden to show how money can be depressing. Salinger contradicts society’s opinion on money. Most of society believes that having money will give you happiness. Money makes Holden feel disconnected to people because society creates an idea that he is above them. Salinger writes, “Goddam money. It always ends up making you blue as hell” (Salinger 113). Holden is guilty about his privilege; he always feels bad for anyone below him. Salinger makes a point that having money does not result in happiness. Holden has a lot of money, but he is still not happy. Salinger empathizes the point the money cannot buy you happiness in life. This is just one of the ways Salinger uses Holden get his opinion across. Another way Salinger critiques society’s problems is through Holden and his views on mental health. Holden is …show more content…

Salinger is a social protest. Salinger uses Holden to portray members of society as phonies, materialistic, and lacking awareness and understanding about mental health. Salinger hints at that society should have more awareness about their behavior and values.. Through Catcher in the Rye, Salinger successfully raises awareness about mental health, the truth about money, and the impact of phonies on society. For example, all across the world Mental Health Awareness Week is celebrated every year. Catcher in the Rye and novels like it, have successfully raised awareness about many important societal

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