
Literary Analysis Of Robert Frost's Nothing Gold Can Stay

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The author of Nothing Gold Can Stay is Robert Frost. He wrote the poem in 1923. Frost was born March 26, 1874 in San Fransico. His parents were William Prescott Frost and Isabelle Moodie. When he was in high school he started to get intersed in reading and writing poetry. After leaving school, Frosthad jobs as a teacher, a cobbler, and the editor of Lawrence Sentinel. His first poem published was "My Butterfly", on Nov. 4th 1894 it appeared in the New York newspaper ' The Independent'. And in 1895, Frost marries a girl named Elinor Miriam White, who heshared validictorian honors with. Nothing Gold Can Stay fits into the narrative catagory, since the poem is telling a story about the birth and death of nature's gold and spring. Since the …show more content…

The author of the poem left out some information to let the readers interpret it in their own unique way. This poem does not contain any cultural details, such as the behavior, dress, or speech habits of a particular group or a historical period. The poem could be interpreded as either fantasy or reality. The fantasy part being the world ending during wwII, and the reality part being that nothing in this life is permanent, eventually it all fades away. Because the mood of Nothing Gold Can Stay is sad, the ready might feel, meloncholy or upset. The tone of the author in this poem is soft at the beginning but gradually gets sad towards the end. The theme in Nothing Gold Can Stay is nothing, especially that is perfect or beautiful can last forever. Because nothing is permanent, everything eventually fades away. And its important to keep the gold as long as we can and ejoy it, because it will fade away and be forgotten. The rhyme scheme of Nothing Gold can stay is aa,bb. First, the readers hear 'hold' and 'gold', then the readers hear 'flower' and 'hour'. Because theres another stanza, it stats over with 'a' which is 'leaf' and 'grief', and the last things, which is 'b', is 'day' and 'stay'. The poem stresses the sense of sight, describing nature's first green as gold and early leaf a flower. It also describes leaves subsiding to leaves, Eden sinking to grief, and dawn

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