
Literary Analysis : The Day After Tomorrow

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A Better Tomorrow: Through Science Fiction Literature
Science fiction movies often depict the consequences of failing to slow the damage to the environment in the science fiction movie, The Day After Tomorrow, the weather on earth begins to do strange things. The ice caps start to melt and break, tornados rip through Hollywood, and tsunamis flood the coast. Jack Hall, a climatologist, explains global warming and the melting of the ice caps is to blame for this weather. He predicts the North Atlantic current will shut down, and the northern states will see the next ice age. The vice president dismisses his claims until his predictions come true in the following days. Eventually, the air in the north gets so cold that people seem to freeze within seconds resulting in a nearly unsurvivable ice age where people in the north must stay inside near a fire to survive. The dystopian future depicted in the movie The Day After Tomorrow reflect societal anxieties about earth’s changing climate.
The Day After Tomorrow reflects American anxieties about the United States failing to address climate change. A huge climate change argument arose in 2001 when newly elected president George W. Bush opted out of the Kyoto Protocol. Wikipedia explains the Kyoto Protocol:
“The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty which extends the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that commits State Parties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, based on the premise that (a)

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