
Literary Analysis of ''a Very Short Story

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''A very short story'' by Ernest Hemingway.

Title: ''A very short story''
Author: Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961).
Source: CAPPELEN DAMM AS, Oslo 2008 – ''Access to English literature, VG3''. Anthony, Burgess, Mikkelsen & Sørhus. Chapter 1, page 23-24.

A lot of geographic places are mentioned in the short story, as the characters move around, however the most important part of the story is set to Padua, in northern Italy. The story is about an Italian woman, Luz, and an American soldier, so the action takes place during a war, my guess is World War one, because of the word ''armistice'' that is a word used considering WWI. More precisely, around 1918-1919 (the armistice of WWI was in 1918 and the last part of the story …show more content…

The solider doesn't get any of these letters until the armistice. When he returns, they agree he should go home to America and get a job so that they might might be married. They also agree Luz is to come over as soon as he gets a job and is able to come meet her in New York. They quarrel about Luz not being willing to come with him at once, and they have to say good-bye before having come to an proper agreement. The solider is upset about leaving like that, but he doesn't have a choice. He takes the boat back to the states, while Luz goes to Pordenone to open a new hospital. In this town, there is a batalion of arditi, and shortly after, the major makes love to Luz. She then writes to the American solider and tells him their love had only been a biy and girls affair. She tells him she still loves him, but that she has realized this love was only a boy and girl love. She also tells him she expects to get married in the spring, she believes this is for the best. The major never married her, she never got an answer to the letter she sent the solider. The story ends with the following sentence: ''A short time after he contracted gonorrhea from a salesgirl in a loop department store while riding in a taxicab through Lincoln Park'' Point of view.
The point of view is ''third-person-objective''. This means the narrator doesn't have any insight of the characters thoughts and feelings. The story is being

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