
Literary Elements In 'Marigolds' By Eugenia Collier

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Marigolds Essay Do you remember of your childhood and can describe detail by detail everything? The author Eugenia Collier uses flashback, imagery, and diction to help create the voice of Lizbeth. This story was written as a flashback because Lizbeth the main character was remembering all and telling it. She explained some of the things in detail and used a lot of wording too. In all the story Lizbeth used literary elements.
In the beginning of the story Lizbeth says, “When I think of the home of my youth, all I seem to remember is dust…”(Collier 1). This quote is a evidence of how Lizbeth is using flashback to start the story. She is going back to her youth life and starts to remember everything. After that she is having some memories that make her feel something. “Whenever the memory of those marigolds flashes across my mind, a strange nostalgia comes with it and remains long after the pictures has fared”(Collier 2). In this quote she is having memories of the marigolds and I think she feels nostalgia because of the incident that happened back then. Although in some of the parts of her story you …show more content…

In most of the story the characters are describing things in detail that we can imagine. For example, “ I remember fishing for minnows in a muddy creek and watching sadly as they eluded my cupped hands, while Joey laugh uproariously” (Collier 8). In this quote Lizbeth is using words to describe all the memory that she is remembering. Almost at the end of the story when Lizbeth was destroying Mrs. Lottie’s marigolds a quote that is describing imagery is “I leaped furiously into the mounds of marigolds and pulled madly, trampling and pulling and destroying the perfect yellow blooms”(Collier 58). I choose the quote because when I read it I can picture that in my mind and that is what imagery is. The author used many more words to create imagery in the short story

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