
Literature Is The Mirror Of Life

Decent Essays

Literature can be defined in innumerable ways. Any written or spoken material is literature. “Literature” is works of creative thoughts and literary skill. Drama, poetry, short stories, fiction and non-fiction are all forms of literature. Moreover, literature is believed to be the message of a writer’s experience of life. Literature is creatively advanced and of lasting quality. Most importantly, literature is the mirror of life. It helps us to understand those things that are not easily understood and comprehended that includes pain, hatred, love, death, war, sacrifice, human nature, and more surprisingly truth. Furthermore, it helps us to understand the power of language.
The famous pioneers of English literature are; the Greek Philosopher Plato, Aristotle and Sir Phillip Sydney.

According to the famous pioneer of literature, Plato sums it up as:
“Literature is the mere imitation of life”.
There is high correlation between literature and real life. Life gives the means through which literature develops in an artistic form. Plato was the first one to give the thought of literature in relation to the real world. Although, he referred mainly to poetry but what he has said about poetry can be easily applied to whole literature. Plato’s findings are built on his theory of knowledge.
Thus, Literature does …show more content…

It tells that humans have a strong need to enhance their existence in their daily lives. It also explains in this poem that this is done by individuals in their daily lives so that they can experience more lasting pleasures than the temporarily pleasures. This can be linked to the real world because today we often come across people who may have no wealth and might have lost so much in their lives but still they are content with their lives. These individuals are in reality surviving by living in their own fantasy world in which they are enjoying and seeking

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