
Literature Review And Appraisal 'Breastfeeding'

Best Essays

Wendy Smith
Literature Review and Appraisal of Evidence
Weber State University

Literature Review and Appraisal of Evidence
PICO Question: For pregnant women considering breastfeeding (P), does a prenatal breastfeeding course (I), as compared to not attending a prenatal breastfeeding course (C) affect the length of exclusive and successful breastfeeding (O)?
Part I: Identification of Research Evidence
Article #1:
Shu-Shan, L., Li-Yin, C., Chen-Jei, T., & Ching-Fang, L. (2008). Effectiveness of a prenatal education programme on breastfeeding outcomes in Taiwan. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 17(3), 296-303.
Article #2:
Keresztes, C., & Schmidt, M. (2012). Prenatal breastfeeding class evaluation. Kingston, Ontario: Kingston, …show more content…

Statistical Product and Service Solutions for Windows (SPSS) 12.0 software package and SAS 8.0 software. SPSS 12.0 was used for all statistical analysis except linear regression which used SAS 8.0.

Article #2
Appraisal Comments
Author & Publication Year
Keresztes, C., & Schmidt, M. (2012)
Purpose and Research Question
Determine whether a prenatal breastfeeding workshop increased breastfeeding self-efficacy and exclusive breastfeeding in expectant mothers.
Research Design
Quasi-experimental design, one group pre-test and post-test design
Sample (describe)
162 mothers and 100 partners or coaches from 22 breastfeeding classes held over a one-year period
Setting (describe
Breastfeeding education course and at home over the phone
Human Rights Protection
IRB standards were met - Participants were asked to sign consent form at the beginning of the class indicating their willingness to participate in the evaluation. All participants were given a card to mail in if they did not want to be contacted for the follow-up telephone calls.
In completing post-class questionnaires, participants scored significantly higher for breastfeeding knowledge, rated breastfeeding as significantly more important, and cited significantly higher confidence levels in breastfeeding than in pre-class questionnaires. In the 6-week postpartum interview, 70 of the original 153 mothers were interviewed. 91% were

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