
Literature Review

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This review has got several limitations which authors also acknowledge. Apart from the heterogeneity discussed above, only RCTs compared the thromboprophylaxis methods. This is a major flaw in the review. All-cause mortality is not a good parameter due to the fact major abdominal surgery, age and cancer would be major contributory factors. Disease specific mortality would have been the most appropriate parameter. However, given the small abount of reported PE related mortalities within the considered studies lack the statistical to power. It is also questionable how the authors only managed to consider 3 RCTs. Lack of online database search could be a reason. Considering the 3 RCTs mainly, overall VTE prophylcatic effect of ETP derrived …show more content…

Since cancer patients are included in the review author of this document considered for discussion. RCTs or cohort studies comparing extended VTE with CTP (<7 days of VTE prophylaxis) were considered for review. Trials reporting interventions as LMWH, UFH, graded compression stockings, sequential compression devices and vitamin K antagonists were considered. Minimal ETP duration considered as 14 days after surgery. The primary outcome measures were DVT, PE after 30 days of surgery and secondary outcome measures were postoperative 90-day mortality and bleeding complications. Authors consider primary study definition of bleeding for the analysis. This will bring the wide range of heterogeneity to with regarding bleeding. Similar to previous systematic review authors used standard DVT, PE screening methods at day 30 as benchmark. The authors carried out systematic and wide range of search from 1967 to 2008. Pubmed, Lilacs, Embase, and Cochrane database, Medline online databases were reviewed for both RCT and non RCT studies. The bibliography of each trial report were checked for additional references. Primary authors of RCTs were contacted, if necessary, for clarification of data. Additionally, reference lists from major review articles, all references from past meta-analyses, abstract books or two major conferences were also considered. Appropriate MeSH terms and electronic search criteria was followed. However, it is difficult to determine whether

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