
Literature Review On End Of Life Care

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In reviewing the two studies I found, it is very clear there is a difference in quantitative and qualitative studies. To start, Lee et al. (2017) conducted a qualitative study in which the problem statement recognizes that end of life care (EOLC) in dementia patients is less than optimal when compared to cancer patients. The researchers aimed to determine what service managers and frontline staff at different facilities felt were the key aspects in improving EOLC in dementia patients (Lee et al., 2017). As a result, the researchers purpose was to contribute to the current evidence base on good EOLC and interventions to increase quality of care of end of life dementia patients. Comparatively, Bailey et al. (2014) studied the effects of implementing interventions to improve end of life care for inpatient veterans. The problem statement was determined to be that end of life care in the inpatient setting was lacking, which drove the aim of the study to improve EOLC and to minimize suffering of the patients (Bailey et al., 2014). The researchers theorized that this could be accomplished if recognition of end of life was increased and if home-based palliative interventions were implemented. Therefore, the team sought to study the effectiveness of implementing staff education of three items: evaluating patients who are actively dying, communicating end of life interventions with patients and families, and implementing home-based best practices for end of life care (Bailey et al., 2014). The purpose here was to improve inpatient end of life care. Regarding the frameworks for the studies, Lee et al., (2017) utilized a research design which was partially structured by preparing interview questions, however, it took on an emergent design when the service manager interviews led the researchers to explore the views of frontline staff. When data saturation occurred, they concluded the study without a defined number of participants (Lee et al., 2017). In contrast, theories for the quantitative design led to the structured framework. The primary interventions of staff education, order set build, and follow up consultation were implemented in a staggered method via a multiple-baseline, stepped wedge design,

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