
Little Brother Privacy Analysis

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Privacy is the state of being free from unwanted or undue intrusion or disturbance in one’s private life or affairs, also known as the freedom to be left alone ( The right of privacy is the right of a person to lead their life in a manner that is somewhat protected from public scrutiny. Privacy is a fundamental building block most governments try to uphold when it pertains to citizens. A person has the right to determine what information is taken about them and how that information will be used. In the novel Little Brother, by Cory Doctorow, the right of privacy is a topic the main protagonist, Marcus, struggles with extensively due to the expert technology and surveillance available. Marcus is a seventeen year old boy who figures …show more content…

This idea was easier to uphold in earlier years when technology was still in its prime and not many people had access to it. In the era of technology today, the internet and new technology are quite accessible for almost anyone on the planet, thus making it quite easy to look up information about any human being. The advancement of technology has eased the burden on governments and corporations when trying to learn about the online activities of citizens. outdated privacy laws aid in the government’s ability to monitor like never before. For example, corporations, today, sell their technology to the highest bidder, expanding the surveillance apparatus for one company. Because of this, citizens are forced to choose between new technology and keeping personal information private. The many appeals and cases brought to court surrounding this issue center around the U.S. Constitution, more specifically, the fourth amendment. The Fourth Amendment states, "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall be issued” (Constitution). Whether a search is considered reasonable in the eyes of the law is determined by looking at and balancing two interests. On the side of the citizens, the determination is based off of an intrusion on a person’s fourth amendment …show more content…

Cameras, laptops, and any other technology sold in stores today are easily trackable and easily surveilled. Cameras have started to be incorporated into the daily lives of citizens and businesses, but, most importantly, in schools. For both the novel and in reality, school cameras have become a necessity to be able to control students. In Little Brother, motion activated cameras and recognition software are installed throughout Cesar Chavez High. These are the means the school uses to control the students and keep them inside. For the Chavez, it is much more cost effective and much more accurate just like schools in today’s society. In the UK, around 2,000 schools put up a total of 47 cameras, both indoor and outdoor. The schools justify the cameras by using the student’s safety as an excuse. Although a school is safer with cameras, the controversy is about whether or not the schools are trying to keep others out or survey the children inside. Aiding in the battle against cameras, many skeptics also bring up the topic of laptops. In Little Brother and reality, school provided laptops are common, but there is a catch. School administration does have full access to all laptops. Administrations are able to see searches performed online and any documents that are created. The two main differences between the novel and reality is just how much access the

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