
Logan Killicks The Pear Tree Quotes

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Janie is forced to marry Logan Killicks. She is upset because her Nanny makes her, even though she does not love him. Nanny however, does not care. She only wants the best treatment for Janie, and Nanny also does not want Janie to end up like her mom. So she sends him off to a kind and old man, Logan Killicks. Before marrying Mr.Killicks, Janie goes back to the pear tree many times. The pear tree helps to represent her life. It is part of the bildungsroman theme. The tree is blooming, as is Janie’s life. So when Janie looks at the tree, it allows her to think about her life and how it is just getting started. Logan Killicks is a hard working man. So when Janie gets to his house she is immediately put to work. She does not like being told what …show more content…

She does not like his house or his style. She even says that, “But anyhow Janie went on inside to wait for love to begin”(Hurston 38). Mr. Killicks represents Janie’s unsatisfying love. She was forced to marry him so therefore it is not true love. She can only hope that it will get better. Even as she complains about everything. Later when she even talks to her Nanny, Janie says that she can not love him. Even though she was told to. Joe Starks had been saving up his money his entire life. He had been a slave and wanted to know what power was like. He even says that “It had always been his wish and desire to be a big voice…”(Hurston 45). When Mr. Starks finally gets the power he was craving, he begins to crave it even more. He loves his wife, Janie and also money. However he likes money a little bit more. So he begins to class her off from the rest. He also gives speeches that only he partakes in. At one point he tells Janie, that she is only the Mayor’s wife. Which really ticks Janie off. As many people have told me, the love of money is the root of all evil, and this is certainly true. Joe Starks loves money so much that he puts everything behind. Which is why his marriage with Janie probably will fall apart. When the people at a town meeting, ask for a speech from Janie, she feels excited. She had never made a speech anymore and did not know what to say. However, she is shut down …show more content…

However he is not used to having a wife. So when he Marries Janie, he continues to go to his old ways. Janie however does not appreciate this and says that “... his toenails look lak mule foots”(Hurston 41). Yet again, Janie is showing her unsatisfying love for Logan Killicks. To her, Mr. Killicks is just a stinky old man. She really does not love him. After all, she was forced to marry Logan Killicks by her grandma. So how can it be true love? After a few months, Janie wanted a change. She could no longer stay with Logan Killicks. So the first opportunity she had, she left. When Janie leaves she says that “The Morning road air was like a new dress”(Hurston 51). When she left Logan Killicks, she had started a new part of her life. Since it was a whole other marriage, it really had felt different. She was no longer working and could not believe it. She was going to be on the upbeat. But was her choice really the best for her? I can not tell. Janie gets whatever she wants, however she still does not find true love. So maybe it was not worth it. We just have to wait and see. At first, marrying Joe Starks had seemed like the right thing to do. However, as he was building Eatonville, their love began to grow distant. Instead, money started to take over. The mere fact that Joe Starks had so much power had gotten into his head. However power hungry he was, he was also very protective. He did not like when Janie hung out with

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