
Logic And Logic Of Computer Science And Computers

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1. Introduction
The purpose of this report is to give information on the subject known as Logical reasoning and its use in Computer Science and computers in general. A historical background behind logic and Logical reasoning is firstly given, followed by an overview of the modern subject and the types it’s divided into. The types are then explained. The overlap between the field of logic and that of computer science is also given an explanation. The report ends with a brief overview on the subject and its tie to computer science and computing.
2. History of Logic and Reasoning
2.1 Logic in Greece and Europe
The term “Logic” hails from the ancient Greek word logike and is a discipline which utilizes and studies valid reasoning. It is heavily relied upon in a number of subjects such as mathematics, philosophy and computer science, its roots being traced to ancient civilizations including Greece, India, China and Persia.
In Europe logic was first employed by Aristotle, his so called Aristotelian logic was widely used in science and mathematics until the early 19th century. During the Middle and High middle ages people went to great lengths to show that his ideas were compatible with the Cristian faith, by that time logic had become the main focus of philosophers. 2.2 Logic in India
In India logic went under the name of Nyaya, it underwent dynamic changes from its founding in ancient times up to the early 18th century. According to some people Indian logic contains “...the

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