
Long-Term Retention

Decent Essays

Long-term retention is a learned behavior. With practice one can retain more and more information. The key to long-term retention is practice. After analyzing the video, the teacher was able to engage her students in learning how to summarize. The teacher taught a lesson to the student on how to summarize a story and how important it is. Some of the strategies the teacher used were how to slow down and think about what you just read using visual aids and modeling for the students. In the video the teacher stated, “Stop” and “Think”, by using this strategy the teacher used to get the learners to understand what they just read by pinpointing important parts of their reading, such a person or action. Another strategy is the use of visual aids. Visual aids give the students the bigger picture of summarizing by seeing what should be summarized. The third example of strategy is through the use of modeling. By modeling the teacher was able to show each one of her learners how she summarized the reading as a group. All these strategies helps the learners understand how to …show more content…

Having a lesson the not only engages the student, but gets them interested is vital. When you read the Bible, God not only share scripture, but he also teaches us in many ways. God has a plan for all of us to be his teacher in a way to spread the words of the Bible. One passage of scripture that stood out to me this week with this assignment was, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you” (Psalm 32:8, New Standard Version). The passage gives you the strength to teach students in the way God sees his plan for all of us. By remembering that passage and relating it to long-term retention and how we get students to learn and remember the loads of information passed to them is important. God is our master teacher. If we follow in his footsteps we can be

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