
Lord Of The Flies Analysis

Good Essays

Marckwin Bristhole
Mrs. Baylis
Lit and Comp 10
26 April 2018
Lord of the Flies Rough Draft What would happen if a group of British school boys were dropped on a deserted island where they have to choose ultimately faced choosingbetween good and evil? In Lord of the Flies, which was written by William Golding, the that exact situation happened. However, the good and evil would be the choice of being civil or savage. All the boys had a sense of civility when they came from England, but with the help of the character Jack, their civilities get forgotten. In the Lord of the Flies, the thirst for power is shown through Jack who corrupts the boys to savagery. The result of the boys’ cruel actions lead to the deaths of Simon and Piggy and the destruction …show more content…

In order for Jack’s desires of being leader to become true, he must first weaken Ralph’s authority. In Ralph’s leadership, the rules where short and simple. Them being: Ralph was the only one who could interrupt the boy who was holding the conch, bring water from the stream and store it, and to keep the signal fire from burning out. The flaw with this rules is that whenever someone broke these rules, there was no true consequences. Jack uses these cracks to cripple and break Ralph’s rule. After crippling Ralph’s system, Jack only has to get others to rebel with him. An exploit that Jack uses to lower Ralph’s following. Having the choirs boys and his experience of leading them made it easy for Jack to gain respect and authority. “ ‘I ought to be chief,’ said Jack…. ‘because I’m chapter chorister and head boy,…’ ”(Golding, 28). After Jack rebelled, he took a move from the Book of Genesis and brought down some of Ralph’s old followers to join him and later leaving Ralph with no one but himself. Another way Jack takes Ralph’s followers is through hunting. Hunting was a big role on the island, because it provides food and entertainment. Jack was most skilled at doing so through practice and will power. Since more of the boys enjoyed the hunt, Ralph only had the conch to …show more content…

Lord of the Flies. Klett, 2007. Print.

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The New York Times, 27 Oct 2016, six-decades-later.html

Padbury, Maerk Doménech. “A Critical Analysis on William Golding’s Lord of the Flies.”
Wgaron.html, 15Apr. 1999. Web. 13 Mar 2018, Olsen, Kirstin. Understanding Lord of the Flies: A Student Casebook to Issues, Sources, and
Historical Documents. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2000.

Swisher, Clarice, ed. Reading on “Lord of the flies”. San Diego: Greenhaven Press,

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