
Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

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In William Golding’s Lord of The Flies, the detriments of an unrefined civilization, such as one without leadership and indulgent citizens who are amoral, can be catastrophic, causing extreme repercussions to society. A lack of solid leadership, such as the arbitrary leader Ralph, can cause confusion, apprehension, and chaos. Jack and other children often indulge their impulses which clouds their judgement causing them to undermine their society. By not reinforcing the difference between savagery and humanity, many people begin to die. Ralph clearly is not well-equipped to lead a group of young men. Ralph is an insufficient leader, which causes his society to greatly decline. Ralph creates the policy of only speaking when one holds the conch in their hands; only Ralph is allowed to interrupt since he is the leader. The boys are at the top of a mountain, defeated, because their fire didn’t stay lit. When Piggy tries to explain why it didn’t work, Jack interrupts him. “I got the conch,” said Piggy indignantly. “You let me speak!” “The conch doesn 't count on top of the mountain,” said Jack, “so you shut up.” “I got the conch in my hand.” “Put on green branches,” said Maurice. “That’s the best way to make smoke.” “I got the conch--” Jack turned fiercely “You shut up!” Piggy wilted. Ralph took the conch from him and looked round the circle of boys. (Golding 42) The boys break the first rule of not interrupting the speaker holding the conch. This is contradictory because

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