
Lord Of The Flies Character Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Everyone, at least as a child, has had a fear of some sort of beast or monster. People usually like to refer to animals as beasts because they aren’t human and the animals are not able to think for themselves. In fact this is the opposite because humans are actually beasts because they are actually able to think for themselves and have do things according to what they are thinking. In Lord of the Flies there are many different topics and themes that are gone over but one of the main themes is that people can go insane and become savages under certain circumstances. A lot of characters in the book betrayed Ralph to join Jack's new group but a character did not become one of Jack's savages instead he died in attempt to save the rest of the …show more content…

What makes Simon is so relatable is that he tries to make a change in people's lives. All the kids there are all trying to get home but when the littlun see the beast the rest of the kids they should start caring more about the beast instead of getting saved. During one of their meetings the kids were trying to decided on how they should handle the monster. A while after Jack left there was an awkward silence and then, “...Simon stood up and took the conch from Piggy, who was so astonished that he remained on his feet…”(pg. 146). No one else decided to say anything so Simon took it upon himself to say something that might make a difference. Simon is very quiet and prefers to keep to himself but he decided that saying nothing wouldn’t make change anything. This relates to people because a lot of people in high school would prefer not to talk in front of class because they are in fear of looking foolish in class. The same things happens to Simon because after everyone rejects Simon’s idea he then, “...retired and sat as far away from the others as possible”(pg. 147). As soon as his idea is rejected he starts to coward back and he realizes that he embarrassed himself in front of everyone. A lot of Highschool kids can relate to this feeling because after a presentation usually kids try to make themselves the least noticeable so that no one has a chance to humiliate them. Some people have

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