
Lord Of The Flies Character Analysis

Decent Essays

In William Golding’s Lord Of The Flies while the time of a World War, a plane crashed on an uncharted island leaving young boys stranded with no authority. The boys get so caught up in striving for survival that their savage side overtakes them. William Golding proves that men are essentially evil through the inability of the boys to maintain an authority figure that would have prevented the creeping in of savagery because of the loss of societal rules. Simon follows Ralph and the boys but eventually goes off on his own. Simon, the purest of them all shows that evil destroys good because good is the only thing capable of destroying evil. Simon is the only boy that does not give into his savage side despite the lack of rules on the …show more content…

Even after Simon was killed, his body was described as “a silver shape”, and the fish surrounded him, representing his liveliness. Jack and his tribe show the true meaning of savagery creeping in when the rules of society are forgotten. Ever since the boys arrived on the island, Jack has wanted to be the only one in control. When the boys voted for Ralph over Jack he became angry. The boys separated, some decided to become hunters and the others desired rescue. Jack quotes “ who will join my tribe”, so now Jack does have the power he’s been wanting but only to the savages. Jack becomes obsessed with the thrill of killing pigs that he takes his killings to another level. Golding uses zoomorphism to describe jack and the people in his tribe; “Jack began to dance and his laughter became bloodthirsty snarling.” Golding would use this literary device to show the ptrue animals the savages are. The boys chant “‘kill the pig. Cut her throat. Bash her in’”, this indirectly shows the savagery that the boys have developed since stranded in an environment where there is no authority. After Jack achieves killing pigs he becomes even more bloodlust. Jack and the boys kill Simon with no couth then Jack allows Roger, another savage, kill Piggy. After the murders they all act like nothing has happened. Jack doesn’t show pure savagery because he uses a clay mask when he hunts, which hides his true personality. This savagery creeps in when all

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