
Loss Of Happiness In Brave New World

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What truly does give man happiness? Are there any obstacles that stop man from getting happiness? Man finds happiness and purpose through freedom and being able to choose. Some obstacles that may stop man from achieving happiness is falling to the pursuit of pleasure, higher authority exhibiting control on man, and the laws of civilization hinder man from true individual choice. When chasing happiness, a large obstacle people run into is pleasure. Pleasure may seem good but not as you think. The reason pleasure does get into the way of finding happiness is because it plays with our minds and gets us off task. This is shown in The Picture of Dorian Gray a lot. One specific example would be when Dorian ends his relationship with Sibyl Vane (Wilde 153). This gave Dorian pleasure right away but lead him to hate and sadness when he found out that she killed herself. Man needs …show more content…

These higher authority figures we see are people such as bosses, teachers, and law officials. These people will get in the way of happiness by not giving freedom and threatening men. The book Brave New World by Aldous Huxley shows a different type of punishment by shocking the kids during their condition to associate pain with certain things. That is not exactly like threats to happiness but it is very similar. An example of authority figures getting in the way of man would be The Truman Show when Truman tries to leave but ends up getting stopped at the nuclear factory (Weir). Truman did not know but the director was the one holding him back from being happy and free. Another example that would tie into this would be in Breaking Bad when Walter white loses his composure and quits his job at the car wash (Gilligan). This shows how the higher figure forced Walter to the opposite of happiness and was the obstacle. Authority figures have always been an obstacle because they hold man back from the fullest

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