
Loss Of The American Dream In The Great Gatsby

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“The negative side of the American Dream comes when people pursue success at any cost, which in turn destroys the vision and the dream” (Azar Nafisi). The main theme in The Great Gatsby is the Loss of the American Dream. Jay Gatsby is one of the main characters of the book who acquired new money after working hard his whole life. Another main character, Tom Buchanan, was born into old money and lived leisurely in the comfort of his wealth. The plot of the book is constructed from Gatsby’s motivations, intentions, and disillusionment. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald uses characters and plot to express the theme, Loss of the American Dream. Throughout the novel, Jay Gatsby is trying to obtain the “American Dream”. The American Dream is symbolized by the Green Light on Daisy’s dock, which is very significant. The Green Light also represents Gatsby’s hopes and dreams with Daisy. The distance of the Green Light is very …show more content…

Tom is the type of millionaire that is anchored in a solid tradition of socially acceptable wealth. This wealth was inherited along with the power it brings. This shows no failure or determination to achieve something. He was born into the “Dream” and he did not have to work hard or sacrifice to achieve it. In the past, “it was an essential part of the American Dream to believe that the most fit sons in the race were sired by fathers who had failed” (Lena, 21). This quote is saying that success comes from failure and learning from mistakes, which requires hard work. Tom just sat on inherited wealth and spent it freely, which in the eyes of the Republican nation invites that class or people to corruption. He is the opposite of the self-made man and only achieved the fake American Dream. On the other hand, Gatsby represents a self-made man who had to fail in order to succeed and almost achieve the American Dream, which is seen in the plot of the

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