
Love Should Grow Up Like An Wild Iris

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Real Life Love Throughout “Love Should Grow up Like an Wild Iris in the Fields” Susan Griffin provokes the readers to think twice about why they consistently enslave themselves with the burden of daily monotony, instead of enjoying the simplicity of love. Griffin uses two metaphors in her poem when describing love, as a flower, as well as the iris of an eye. Her comparisons are both interesting as well as accurate. Love should be born and live in fields, just like wild flowers. Love needs to be nurtured by water, with no concern about where and when the next rainfall will take place. Love needs to allow nature to take its course and trust in the sustenance that its surrounding provides. However, love refuses to take the easy path. Instead, love decides to live in kitchens alongside irritated cooks, dirty walls and screaming infants with impatient mothers. Clearly, love would be better off without concerns, growing in a field like an iris, patiently waiting for the next rainfall. However, love chooses to exist in chaotic environments filled with discontent and discord. In the first verse Griffin begins her poem by describing the flower in a field. Within the first few lines, imagery is used in such a way that it creates a vivid picture for the reader. “Love should grow up like a wild iris in the fields/ unexpected, after a terrible storm, opening a purple/ mouth to the rain, with not a thought to the future/ ignorant of the grass and the graveyard of leaves/ around,

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