
MAnagement 13

Decent Essays

JAIME G. ASTOVEZA MWF FINANCE 6 6:00-7:00 PM REACTION PAPER M56 “Inside Job” ”Inside Job” provides a comprehensive analysis of the global financial crisis of 2008, which at a cost over $20 trillion, caused millions of people to lose their jobs and homes in the worst recession since the Great Depression, and nearly resulted in a global financial collapse. Through exhaustive research and extensive interviews with key financial insiders, politicians, journalists, and academics, the film traces the rise of a rogue industry which has corrupted politics, regulation, and academia. Inside Job is an enthralling documentary about how the reckless actions of Wall Street lead to the near collapse of …show more content…

And one of the most poignant scenes in the film comes from Robert Gnaizda, the former head of the Greenlining Institute, a consumer lobbyist group who laughingly dismisses recent legislation to regulate banks with a simple 'Hah '. Inside Job helps explain many of the complex terms such as derivatives and insurance backed securities that confuse those not immersed in the banking community. It is essential viewing for any citizen concerned about our broken system. When I watched it on TV the documentary "Inside job" about the Global Financial Crisis that started in USA and I was blown away by the level of corruption that existed and continue even today. Apparently almost nothing has been improved in the legislation to prevent such a crisis from happening in the future. Hard to believe all this criminals still rich and walked free after ruin the life of millions... Hope one day justice will come down to all of them. So I’m glad to watch this movie, it really opened our eyes to all that evil in this world today. Everyone should see this and they will understand why were still in the mess today. That old saying "THE RICH GET RICHER, WHILE THE POOR GET POORER is so true in this store. This documentary explains how the people has always been a slave to the sovereign. Democracy is very limited in a system in which money is used to solve problems that money creates. These criminals need to be arrested for crimes against humanity, every one of them and their off shore

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