
Macro vs. Micro Management

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Macro vs. Micro Management

Macro vs. Micro Management

The role of manager is an important position of supervision in any organization. The supervisor/manager plays a key function, in the day to day needs of the organization, by finding a balance of work efficiency and managing personnel. This balance becomes even more prevalent when assigning projects or interacting with subordinates. This paper will analyze several aspects or pitfalls, managers could find themselves involved in; and will identify methods used to overcome these situations when supervising subordinates.
The position of manager holds many responsibilities in an organization; those responsibilities range from dealing with requests from upper management and …show more content…

Another pitfall that managers can find themselves committing occurs when the manager is too involved in the day to day happenings or “hovering” of their employees. The hovering of employees, risk’s creating an environment of dependency of the employee to the manager. This is not a micromanaging issue; rather the supervisor is becoming too involved with the employee and is creating a touchy – feely, coddling type workplace. According to Benjamin Compton, with, GroupWise Integrations Experts, the number one issue supervisors must understand is that “focusing exclusively on the mind or the heart is a mistake” (Compton, 2006, p.6) when it comes to dealing with subordinates. “When feelings are given precedence over reason, the potential exist for the department to loose sight of what work is all about.” (Compton, 2006, p. 8) This conversely, is the fault of the hovering manager, and the potential consequences can reach down to the employees. The effect of this improper management style on the employee creates a dependency of employee to manager; where the employee is unable to grow in ways that

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