
Magazine Ads

Good Essays

Rough Draft - Unit 2 EA 2

In today’s society, we see magazines everywhere, checkout lines, doctor’s offices, there’s even a whole big section at Target filled with them. Most magazine covers we seem to notice have models wearing bikinis or headlines about a story you just can’t refuse. As long as these gossip editions are filled with juicy insight on celebrities, we’ll go for anything, right? The truth is, magazine advertisements are sending terrible messages to young women by showing them the “perfect body” and encouraging them to live their lives a certain way. A magazine advertisement’s main selling point is a model or the “perfect body” that all girls dream of having. We all think that these advertisements cause no harm. But in reality, teenage girls are developing self-consciousness and sensitivity around their peers. They worry that their shape, size, and muscle tone is all wrong. On, Joan Jacobs Brumberg, author of “The Body Project: An Intimate History of American Girls”, states, “The body has become the central personal project of American girls.” A lot of young women start to question themselves, “Am I pretty enough?” or “Am I skinny enough?” Because of these questions, most girls end up depressed or having suicidal thoughts. A 15 year old girl wrote on a website stating that she worries that she’s not good enough. …show more content…

Would you want your daughter or friend or sister going to you, asking if they’re pretty enough, good enough, or beautiful enough? Do you want today’s society filled with a bunch of self-conscious teenage girls? Next time you see a teenage girl, whether it is your daughter, sister, friend, or acquaintance, tell her she’s beautiful or smart or kind. Think about one comment you would want to hear about yourself, and tell it to her. She deserves to hear it

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