
Major Teen Depression and Its Growing Issue in Society

Good Essays

People constantly overlook the severity of depression, more importantly, major teen depression, which presents a legitimate obstacle in society. The intensity of teen depression results from society’s general lack of acknowledgement of the rising affair. In 2012, “28.5% of teens were depressed” and 15.8% of teens contemplated the option of suicide (Vidourek 1 par. 1), due to their major depression going unnoticed or untreated for. Even teenagers themselves often ignore their depression or remain in denial because neither them nor anyone else recognizes the signs. “A sudden change in behavior is a main sign of someone being depressed, which could lead to having suicidal thoughts,” stated Pam Farkas, a clinical social worker in California …show more content…

3). Fortunately, treatment exists that regulates emotions, stress, and suicidal thoughts, though most of them have moderate to dangerous side effects. Antidepressants intend to regulate emotions and decrease depressing thoughts, but they have adverse side effects such as anxiousness, restlessness, and even a possible increase in suicidal thoughts (Teen Depression: When Should You Worry? 1 par. 5). Antidepressants should be utilized as part of a larger medical plan, such as combining them with counseling and other treatment options (Dumke 4 par. 5). Another treatment, called psychotherapy, works in an effective way concerning mild to moderate depression because it involves talking out issues rather than using medications. Two types of psychotherapies exist: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps “restructure negative thought patterns” and Interpersonal Therapy (IP) “helps people understand and work through troubled relationships” (National Institutes of Health 6 par. 3). Since psychotherapy utilizes more conservative methods, combining this treatment with a combination proves to be more effective in teens with major depression. “A combination of psychotherapy and antidepressants seems to work the best and may keep depression from recurring” concerning teens with depression (Adolescents and Clinical Depression 2 par. 4). The treatments available have potential to aid in overcoming major teen

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