
Management Communication: Case Study 6-2 Essay

Satisfactory Essays

October 9, 2013
To: Ms. Dana Donnley, Director of Employee Communication
From: Mr. X, Employee Communication Manager
Subject: Suggestions to persuade employees to participate in the wellness program

I believe that we need to address three very important challenges in order to persuade all the employees to participate in our wellness program. First, making the employees understand that this program is entirely for their benefit, second, convincing them that the results of the physical will be entirely confidential and third, persuading the employee’s spouses also to participate in the program.

I believe that the following communication strategies can be useful.

Sending letters to each employee well before their …show more content…

Attached: Letter to Employees

The Employee
Whirlpool Corporation
Benton Harbor

Dear Employee,

I wish you a very happy birthday in advance!

I’m pleased to inform you that our company would like to offer a wellness program to you and your spouse as a birthday gift. Our wellness program is all about investing in your health and helping you live a healthier lifestyle and make better choices. We believe that healthier the employee and his or her family happier he or she is and a happier employee can serve our customers better and help our company prosper.

This program includes a free mini-physical done by our company doctor. This is a screening program designed to let you know the general condition of your health. It is fairly comprehensive. The doctor will record your physical details, test various functions and reflexes and provide you a complete work-up. After the test is completed he will doctor see the results and mail them to you. You can then contact your family physician and seek appropriate treatment, if needed.

I would like to stress and assure that the results are confidential and neither the doctor nor the company keeps any record of the same. You will receive the originals and no copies will be made.

Since the company sponsors this program you could save the money that you might spend on the physical and since, it covers your spouse’s physical also you could even save more. The

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