
Management Information Systems

Satisfactory Essays

MIS – Chapter 3
1) What is a supply chain? What is the purpose of supply chain management systems? A Supply chain is a structure of organizations, people, equipment, actions, information and supply involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer. In its elementary from, a supply chain consists of three main phases: procurement of raw equipment, processing the equipment into middle and complete supplies, and release of the supplies to the client.
Supply chain management systems are information technologies that hold SCM. In the other terms, SCM systems’ purpose is reducing manufacturing costs, including the costs of organization resources and calculating inventory
3) What is relationship between CAD and CAM systems? …show more content…

Why does the implementation of so many ERP systems face severe challenges of totally fail? ERP systems contain a lot of challenges. The software packages are pretty compound. Because they are not modified to the needs of specific clients, they often require change and fine-tuning for specific organizations. So, their installation and testing engage experts who are usually workers of the software vendor or professionals who are certified for such work by the seller. Implementations of so many ERP systems face strict challenges of totally fail because of terrible challenges: the gap among systems capabilities and business requirements, lack of knowledge on the consultant’s fraction, and mismanagement of the execution project.
11) What is JIT? How do MRP and MRP II systems help achieve JIT? Just-in-time (JIT) producing is where suppliers ship parts straight to assembly lines, economy the cost of warehousing raw resources, parts, and subassemblies.

13) What information technologies play a crucial role in marketing? IT to support to people most likely to buy their products, what is often referred to as in play a crucial role in marketing.
15) What is RFID, and what role does it play in SCM? Radio frequency identification

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