
Management Process

Good Essays

MGMT 310-50 | Manager Interviews | Individual Project | | | 8/15/2015 |

Individual Project: Manager Interviews
Executive Summary/Introduction
As a process, management is a series of connected functions. Management does not take place in any particular order; it is a continuous process in which managers adjust what they are doing if a situation requires them to do so. The management process consists of the four functions, planning, organizing, and controlling, performed in order to achieve business objectives. The management function of planning is the practice of setting performance goals and identifying what actions should be used to meet them. The function of organizing includes assembling duties, individuals, and other …show more content…

She uses planning tools such as employee feedback, data analysis, and guidelines to help her employees in accomplishing company goals. Katie spends less time planning at only 15 percent. She spends a little bit of time each day planning what her employees can do to utilize their time in an efficient way to complete any tasks needing to be completed. Katie uses schedules, meetings, reports, and organizes transponder fulfilments. She considers herself a behavioral decision maker that uses problem solving skills to come up with the solutions. When implementing a plan she likes to write the idea down, confirm it with upper management, use trial and error, and then finalize it. At 35 percent, Patrick spends the most time of the three managers planning. He is involved in activities such as profits and losses, finances, the analyzation of trends, improving customer relations, and in figuring out where to best invest the companies money. When creating or implementing plans, Patrick likes to use tools such as reports, tables for time management, and excel for forecasting. He does not rely on meetings as much because his company does not have a hierarchy of command; everyone is on a similar level. Patrick considers himself a systematic thinker and problem solver (Schermerhorn, 2011, p.89). When he implements a plan he will message his employees to let them know about it and any information they need, he prefers receiving no suggestions of alternatives. All

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