
Mandatory Schooling From Elementary Through High School

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Life seems like a straight forward path with no variation. The first few years of life move quickly with learning new skills, trying new experiences and always the major part of the day was filled with playtime. Then as soon as the candles on a fifth birthday cake are blown out there is a sudden and dramatic shift in priorities and the path to a career has begun. Common core, state testing, reports cards, and projects consume the years of mandatory schooling from Elementary through to High School. After the thirteen long years of schooling many students then robotically move directly into college, onward on the conveyor belt to graduation and hopefully to a successful job. However many students in Britain, Europe and Australia decide to …show more content…

When graduating high school the vast majority of students are between the ages of seventeen or eighteen. This means that they are just about or have just reached adulthood. However there is a huge difference in being the legal age of an adult and actually thinking, behaving, and performing at the level of a mature adult person. During all the years of formal schooling students are rarely exposed to the real world. Sure many students have part-time jobs, drive a car, and go on family vacation, but how many know how to juggle monthly bills, live apart from a family setting, or truly know what they want to do. A gap year allows for the student to sample a taste of what the world has to offer before return to school and beginning their college career. During the entire traditional twelve years of schooling students’ lives for the most part are dictated by rules and procedures. Students are told what they must study, what subjects are vital, what dress code is acceptable, when to have lunch, and how many times you can use a bathroom per day. Gaining a sense of self-awareness is a detrimental part of growing up. While taking this time to learn about themselves students have the chance to also really look into their choice of a future career. How many students have actually grasped the reality of any

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