
Manipulative Characters : Hamlet Vs. Grendel And King Claudius

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Hamlet Profolio
Definition Paragraph "Deceiving: To mislead by false appearancec or statement; delude," according to There are a few manipulative characters in the play that can easily be described as deceiving, but I believe Hamlet takes the cake for this title. After the ghost of his dad tells him how he died, Hamlet becomes increasingly paranoid and even goes out of his way to plot revenge. In order to go through with his plan, he had to pretend he was "insane" so they wouldn't get suspicious of his behaivour. Another example would be the play he put on to see if King Claudius was guilty of murder. When introducing the play to the Queen and King, they were very happy to see improvement in him, they were not told of the contents of the play and were unaware of what was going to happen.

Hamlet vs. Grendel To compare Grendel against another character such as King Claudius, one must keep in mind that Grendel is not human. Grendel was a dragon that was deemed pure evil, but in my opinion that is just what he does. Killing and hunting for sport, Grendel does not think like we do. He does not have a sense of morality or a code to live by. King Claudius however have those and activitely goes against them out of selfishness and hunger for power, he kills his own brother and takes his crown, and even displays a good variety of acts of being selfish. Claudius is a bad seed who would throw anyone away just to make keep his own wellbeing in good shape. These two characters both have irredeemable traits, and are terrible in their own ways. King Claudius has more wicked intentions than Grendel as far as our humanity goes.

How do different leaders respond to a problem? Every leader is different and does things in a unique way that seperates them from their group. Some will take action immediately and others will take the time to think about a decision. There is no right or wrong approach as long as they keep in mind of who they are leading and what they are doing. Leaders are there to guide and motivate people, take control of a situation when no one else will, coach others and so much more. They know how to take risks and explore, they seek continous improvement and build great teams. When solving a

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