
Mantalas Vs Grubb

Satisfactory Essays

Mr. Mantalas and Mr. Grubb teach about regular P.E. things, but in reality, they both have some healthy choices they need to be taught about. Since Mr. Mantalas and Mr. Grubb are P.E. teachers who teach us to stay active and eat healthy, their health choices are questionable. For example, Mr. Mantalas and Mr. Grubb have both been spotted eating burritos and drinking loads of coffee by many students. It isn’t only once or twice, it is part of their everyday routine. They both tell us to eat healthy, but really they should be telling themselves. Mr. Grubb or Mr. Mantalas have to teach all the kids about staying healthy, but no one has ever heard them talk about themselves eating healthy. Students are always talking about how they eat so much carbs in their burritos, but no one thinks the two P.E. teacher ever hear anyone talk about it.
Mr. Grubb and Mr. Mantalas are teaching us to eat healthy when they themselves aren’t eating as healthy as they could be. They are eating burritos and drinking a lot of coffee everyday, it’s like it’s part of their daily routine at school. They might do it at their house, but almost every student at Sherwood Middle School have seen both of them with a burrito at least once. Students have observed that they have an affinity to burritos. …show more content…

Mantalas as a P.E. teacher, when they see him with a cup of coffee, or a burrito, they might suspect that he is just having his morning coffee, or just eating a burrito for breakfast, but really he is just doing what he always does. He doesn’t say anything about burritos being his favorite food, students just figure it out sooner or later. They could wonder why Mr. Mantalas is always telling them to eat healthy, like eat fruit and vegetables, when he is setting an example of eating burritos everyday. After a while though, the students just figure out that he just really likes burritos and isn’t trying to set a bad

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