
Marco Rubio 's Presidential Election

Decent Essays

2016 presidential election has many interesting and well informed candidates to date, the candidates which I find to be the most informed and best suited to lead the free world is Marco Rubio. Marco Rubio’s platform is based on youth, diversity and a new way of thinking about this generation. In this essay Marco Rubio’s background, quotes and plans as president will be stated to better understand why he is the best candidate for the presidential election. Marco Rubio was born in Miami, Florida in 1971. He earned a bachelor 's degree from the University of Florida in 1993, then he went to the University of Miami for his law degree. At the start of his political career Marco Rubio began his life in public service in 1998 by winning a seat on the Miami City Commission. Shortly after winning the seat in city commissions, he made his way into state politics. Rubio won his bid for the Florida House of Representatives in 1999. He established himself as the best political fit with the legislature, then becoming the majority leader and then speaker of the House three years after becoming majority leader. The first reason why Marco Rubio is a great candidate for president, is his stand on immigration. He wants people to come to the United States to have a better life, but he wants them to do it legally and fair. “We have a legal immigration system that 's outdated and needs to be modernized so we can win the global competition for talent. We have millions of people living in this

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