
Marginalization Of Noncontalism In The Shining Houses By Alice Munro

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In Alice Munro’s feminist story, “The Shining Houses”, she portrays that in society, straying from social norms and ideologies will distort the communities’ perspective conflictingly causing marginalization of nonconformists. Specifically, domesticity and the need for masculine protection are two critical criteria she uses to convey her theme. Domesticity has been portrayed throughout the story; it shows the effects of marginalization towards female characters who do not adhere to the typical socials norms and roles. Mrs. Fullerton, is an individual who does not fit in with her new, younger neighbors. Jane had explained to Mary, “‘I asked her to babysit for me once and she practically spit in my face. She is not exactly a charming old lady, you know’” (Munro 72). Mrs. Fullerton is viewed differently by her neighbors as she is not the typical stereotype. They based her role to her age, therefore, they thought she would be the typically loving, and caring grandma figure for the community that would babysit their kids. They realized that she does not carry herself in that manner, this triggered the community to flip on her and put her in a unimportant perspective by ostracizing as she is useless to them. In general, the suburban women of the community are the ones who organize events, parties, compete with each other based on looks, and gossip (68). Munro illustrates their domesticity when she describes: “most birthday parties were attended by mothers as well as children. Women who saw each other every day met now in earrings, nylons and skirts, with their hair fixed and faces applied” (69). It is seen as meaningless compared to a male’s work/day and, therefore, socially acceptable for a woman. Edith was put in a powerless position compared to her husband, because as “she was surrounded in her kitchen by the ruins of the birthday party — cake and molded jellies and cookies with animal faces” (68). He would be outside “working around their houses” (67). This shows that Edith’s position compared to her husband is unimportant, as she can only work from inside the household, while he works outside maintaining their home. Therefore, being marginalized by her spouse as she is alienated from the hardships of the

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