
Marijuana Affects User

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How Does Marijuana Affect the User? Marijuana is possibly the most controversial drug to date. The drug is so controversial because of the health hazards it poses but also has shown signs of being utilized as medicine. For decades, marijuana has been used to suppress the symptoms of people with chronic pain or recovering from a different medical instance. Is this drug, a drug that has the potential to help heal but also cause more damage, a drug that should be labeled safe to use? The subject has been debated and will be debated for an unknown period of time. There is a combination of positive and negative effects on the user. Marijuana is a drug increasingly being smoked across the nation. Cannabis refers to dried greenery, stems, and flowers …show more content…

Frequent smoking of marijuana can damage the bronchial passages; these passages protect against inhaled microorganisms and decrease the ability of one’s immune cells in the lungs to fend off bacteria and fungi ("Marijuana's Lasting Effects on the Brain."). For people whose immune systems are already weak, they have a heightened chance of getting risky pulmonary infections like pneumonia, which oftentimes becomes fatal to AIDS patients ("Marijuana's Lasting Effects on the Brain."). Marijuana has shown to decrease the body’s overall immune system, making the body more prone to infection ("Marijuana's Lasting Effects on the …show more content…

A person’s daily life is a stake when marijuana is in their lives. Marijuana has the potential to pose difficulties in daily life or cause someone’s existing problems to become worse ("Health Effects of Marijuana Use."). Consumers have reported lower life satisfaction, worse mental and physical health, problems within relationships, and less success in their schooling and careers as opposed to their non-smoking peers ("Health Effects of Marijuana Use."). Studies have shown that marijuana usage is linked to accidents, increased absences, workman’s compensation claims, and job turnover ("Health Effects of Marijuana Use."). Studies have shown that marijuana usage is linked to accidents, increased absences, workman’s compensation claims, and job turnover ("Health Effects of Marijuana

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