
Marijuana In Australia Essay

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What is marijuana? Marijuana is a plant that people use for various reasons, whether that is for medicinal, recreational, social, personal, religious or nutritional uses. Recreational cannabis (marijuana), is designed to help get people high, the compound that recreational users chase is Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. THC is the active ingredient in marijuana, which bonds with specific receptors in the brain to produce a number of effects. It can have a sedative effect, relax your inhibitions, increase your appetite, lower your blood pressure and many other factors. Marijuana can also interfere with your short-term memory, lower your reaction time and make you unsteady and off balance. Even though marijuana has been classed as an illegal drug, there are some negatives, there are many studies that prove marijuana is less harmful to our bodies than other legal dangers, such as drinking or smoking. What is medical marijuana? Marijuana has been used for medicinal purposes for a long time now, its origins date back 5,000 years. Medical marijuana refers to the use of marijuana to treat a variety of health conditions. Marijuana, for medical purposes is seeing increasing coverage in the media. Chief Research Officer, Kymron DeCesare from Steep Hill Labs …show more content…

To gain access to medical marijuana you must contact or arrange an appointment with your medical specialist. It is established that doctors are not importing amounts of medical marijuana at a time just to give to their patients in need, they are ordering and importing it on a patient-by-patient basis. The process involves many approvals through the states and the Therapeutic Goods Association. These factors all depend on whether the drug is available from overseas. Research and reports show that there is a possibility that an industry to produce medical marijuana is arising soon in

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