
Marijuana Legalization In Canada

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The battle for the legalization of marijuana has continued since 1923 and has been an ongoing fight with little lead way being made. Marijuana has been legalized for medical purposes and thankfully the cultivation of the hemp plant is currently legal in Canada for its seed, grain and fibre, albeit it is all done under the licensing of Health Canada. Many individuals eagerly await the day Justin Trudeau comes through with his promise of legalization and the removal of cannabis consumption and incidental holding of cannabis from the criminal code. When not used with constraint marijuana could be responsible for causing accidents and injuries and encouraging irresponsibility, but if used ethically it could greatly impact the medical field, …show more content…

There is also the concern that legalization of marijuana will send the message to young children that that the use of this is drug is acceptable. There are also many health benefits to the use of marijuana. It is not easy to obtain a license to carry or purchase marijuana in Canada and many with minimal to severe health problems could benefit from its healing. Not only is it our job as parents and care takers to teach children the pros and cons of any kind of legal or illicit drug, but just like alcohol it needs to managed and people need to engage responsibly.
Marijuana can attenuate the symptoms of a wide range of devitalizing medical conditions that include
Marijuana is considered by many to be an effective alternative to analgesics. Although still being studied, marijuana has proven to be effective for many difference health conditions and is leading the way for future break throughs. ” For instance, recent animal studies have shown that marijuana extracts may help kill certain cancer cells and reduce the size of others. Evidence from one cell culture study suggests that purified extracts from whole-plant marijuana can slow the growth of cancer cells from …show more content…

Legalization would allow Governments to regulate the use of marijuana, just like they regulate tobacco and alcohol. “The legalization of recreation marijuana in Canada could generate substantial taxation revenue due to the presence of significant black market for marijuana as the second most consumed substance nationwide, behind only that of alcohol. Based on the results of a new report by the Canadian
Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) World Markets, the legalization of marijuana could create a $10 billion a year industry and the Canadian government can collect 50% or more of the potential $10 billion if there is a high “sin tax” (i.e., taxes levied on goods such as alcohol and tobacco products that are regarded harmful to society) set on marijuana products. The legalization could result in the employment of more workers who can grow and package marijuana for sale in the Government approved grow – ops.
It also could generate some other job opportunities for individuals who can work in educational sessions and health promotion initiatives to promote safe use of the drug.” (Hajizadeh,

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